绿云 GreenCloud,圣何塞新机房简评
GreenCloud GreenCloud was established in October 2013 although we have been in business since the earlier time, providing website design and hosting services to local area business…
简介 阿里云,应该都不陌生了,国际大厂。站长此次购买的是月付24元的最便宜套餐。一直纠结国际版和国内版,国际版月付3.5美元,但是RAM缩水,只有512MB,其他配置国内和国际一样均为2CPU,40G ssd,1T流量,最终选择国内版。 测评 付款后立马开机,具体配置: 对比其他厂商英特尔一众的E5处理器,阿里云这颗CPU为志强铂金系列已经很不错了。 性能测…
对标netcup?Advin Servers 月付7.99刀beta测试
关于Advin Servers We’re Advin Servers, a small hosting provider based in Delaware. We originally started in 2020, and we’ve been growing ever since. We primarily offer affordable AMD…